Name : Jonathan (mother, Angela Pendergraft)
Child: 9 years old
City, State: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Areas of involvement: Right foot, leg and pelvis; mandible
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Personal History:
My son Jonathan, has melorheostosis. On a trip to the dentist it was noted that he had a jaw tumor. An oral surgeon said it was benign but quite unusual. I took Jonathan to a podiatrist because his toes were becoming curved. I thought it was hammer toes. The podiatrist referred me to an orthopedic doctor and that is when he was diagnosed with melorheostosis. I am frustrated because the doctors here do not know about it and have no information or support to offer. My son’s right foot is two sizes smaller than the left. I contacted Nike directly (headquarters in OR) and they agreed to sell me two different sized shoes and only charge me for one pair, for which I am thankful. I am unsettled about the thoughts of my son’s future. Working in the medical field myself for many years I have seen a lot of horrible things and a lot of pain with different types of diseases. I know all I can do is wait and see how he will progress. He plays all sports and is very active and quite talented in that area. I realize now that he will not be able to play college ball or anything like that, but I will continue to let him play as long as he can. Let him enjoy it. If anyone has any information for me please send it. I thank you sincerely. Jon's mom,