Name : Kara Doddema
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Adult: 35 years old
Location: Missoula, MT
Area(s) affected: Left forearm, ulna nerve
Personal History:
I am a 35 yr old mother with six children and a great husband. It was in my late teens when I first noticed a lump on my left forearm. It was small and not painful so I ignored it. That was in the late 80’s. By November of 2007, the lump in my arm had tripled in size (6cm) and became very painful while I was doing normal everyday tasks ( it didn’t help that I’m left handed as well). I went to my general practitioner and had an MRI done. She told me it was an osteochondroma and referred me to a Bone and Joint specialist for surgery. When I went to see that particular doctor, he was very concerned that it could be cancerous because of the rapid growth and painfulness. So again I was referred to a cancer specialist at the Huntsman Cancer Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. I had a bone scan done, x-ray and a CT scan and the doctors still were unsure what it was.
On January 16th 2008 I had a successful surgery. The bone was compressed on my ulna nerve and eventually would have crushed it and I wouldn’t have any use of my hand if I had waited. I have lost some control on my left pinky finger but with physical therapy I’m doing much better. It wasn’t until 2 weeks after my surgery that the biopsy came back and I was officially diagnosed with melorheostosis. The Bone and Joint doctor could only tell me the name of it and that it is very rare. I had to go home and Google the word to understand its true meaning.
Comments: I feel blessed either way, I’m glad it wasn’t cancer and I’ve had a successful surgery done by a great doctor in Salt Lake who had my best interest at heart. I agreed for them to take a sample for research so I hope anything can help at this point.