Name :
Karen McDonald
E-mail :
Adult: 49 years old
Location: Cambridge, England
Area(s) affected:
left foot/ankle
Personal History:
I broke my shin bone when I was 4yrs old, the
hospital took x-rays and that was that. All through school my foot always went
stiff when I tried to run but thought nothing of it, then when I was about 11 my
middle toe of my left foot started to go behind my 2nd toe so I had an op to
straighten it, while they were going through my notes a surgeon noticed the old
x-ray from when I was 4yrs old and said from the x-rays I had Melorheostosis,
which he said was very rare, but he didn’t know much about it but it may of
caused my toe going under.
As time went on I noticed I
couldn’t walk as far as others as my foot felt like it would swell up, then
under my foot started to hollow out and I could actually put my finger in the
hole under the middle of my foot. The surgeon said if I didn’t have an operation
I would be in a wheelchair in 10yrs, so I had the op to pull down the tendons
and I had to learn to walk again as it was difficult to put weight on it. It
eased it but didn’t cure it, as time has gone on it has got so much worse, I
cant walk far without it swelling up and being painful. Even if I sit I get
shooting pains in my foot. I now have to drive an automatic car as it got too
painful to drive a manual, and it affects my job. I am currently waiting for an
MRI to see what’s happening to my foot but the surgeon didn’t seem to have a
clue what Melorheostosis was and he already said he didn’t think there was
anything they could do.
Can anybody tell me if they
are registered as disabled with this disease?