Name : Márcio Leandro Gonçalves
Adult: 32 years old
Location: Pocos de Caldas, MG, Brazil
Area of body affected: Middle finger, left hand
Personal History:
When I was fourteen years old, my middle finger became painful and uncomfortable. I went to a lot of doctors with different and sometimes crazy diagnoses until a younger doctor discovered what I had. My middle finger and left arm are thickest and the finger is lightly atrophied. Actually, I have pain just sometimes but these days my tendon has begun to "pull" so I started to find more about the disease.
I think that I have had the disease since childhood although it was discovered in my adolescence. My childhood pictures show the atrophy in my middle finger of the left hand.
I think it is very important to register that in my case the disease never had any significant progress. Now I am 32 years old and I have just a little pain sometimes.
I was impressed how the case histories are very similar. And my case is very, very similar to Kathleen (Nottingham, England) and Jennifer's (Cincinnati, OH) cases.
I'm very happy to find this site to know more about Melorheostosis. Thanks and Congratulations !!!