Name : Mike L .Gaston
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Adult: 28 years old
Ottawa ON Canada
Area of body affected: Right Femur
Personal History:
Leg began to hurt at 10 years of age. It came and went with different degrees of pain, sometimes so intense I would fall down. First doctor's diagnosis was hematoma. Then it became very bad (severe pain/began to favor left leg so much that lost an inch in diameter in right leg over next few months). At 14 years of age second diagnosis was calcium deposit from severe blow that could not be removed due to size. This repeated itself at age 19 when I began physiotherapy. Same diagnosis of calcium deposit from severe blow. It did get a little better but same result at 27 when I saw Dr. Webber who took bone scan and was not sure himself what he saw (look of candle wax dripping); consulted another doctor who found Melorheostosis in archives. Treatment: take whatever pills you were taking before diagnosis, which is Advil, that I take almost every night.