Name : Quincy Jade Smith
Father: Ballard
James Smith III
Tanda Marie Smith
Child: 3 year old girl
Location: Battle Creek, Iowa
Area(s) affected: Left leg and hip
Personal History:
Ankle joint has been unable to extend since birth. Never got better so we took
her to a orthopedic surgeon at Children's Hospital in Omaha. X-rays show what
looked to be a fracture that was healing. We went back every 6 months for
checkups never getting anywhere. One and a half years later after demanding
answers many other doctors looked at the X-rays and they diagnosed it looked
like melo. We were referred to University of Iowa. No one that we have seen
regarding this knows anything about it and has no answers for us. We will soon
reach out to the Mayo clinic in Minn. They have no other suggestions as to what
it is other than melo. We have to go see a Geneticist.