Name : Regina A.
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Adult: 30 years old
Location: Dallas, Texas
Area(s) affected: Right Foot
Personal History:
I was just been diagnosed with Melorheostosis about 2 or 3 weeks ago. For the past year or two I have had pretty bad pains in my right heel. It's actually gotten too hard to stand on it for a long period of time. I finally went to a doctor who sent me in for an MRI and x-ray. At first they thought I had some sort of bone cancer, but the doctor said the university actually said the "candle wax" look was Melorheostosis. I have surgery in two days to remove part of my heel. My toe (the one next to the little one) is also affected. The only pains I am getting right now though are from standing too long or sometimes at night when I am trying to sleep and I get pretty bad cramps in my toe and my calf. I don't know anything else right now. I have read so many of the stories here and it's pretty scary to see so many people in so much pain. I do have a question though...why does it seem like the majority of the affected are towards VA? Just curious...I am from VA originally. I will update again later. For now I still have a lot to learn.