Name : Suzanne Bentley
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Adult: 38 years old
Location: Warwick, Queensland, Australia
Area(s) affected: Right foot
Personal History:
Hi, my name is Suzanne. When I was 37 years old, I discovered that I had this disease. I went to my doctor complaining of a sore foot, which over the years was getting worse. I noticed that a lump had developed in my soft tissue under the arch of my foot, the doctor ordered an x-ray and I had the x-ray done . The radiologist asked me if I had major foot trauma. I said that I have not had any accidents with it. The doctor looked at the x-ray and said that I had spurs, not knowing what she was looking at. The doctor prescribed Panadol and wanted to send me home. I was not happy with her idea and asked for a referral to a specialist as my foot was getting really painful to walk on.
Within one week, I had seen the specialist Dr. Anthony G Wilson at St. Vincent's Hospital, in Toowoomba, Australia, orthopaedic surgeon, who order a CT scan which revealed the disease Melorheostosis. The lump under my foot was bone that had dripped into soft tissue, and there were several areas of bone melting together. The foot photos look like the bone had drips all over it. What a mess!
I had my foot operated on in November, 2007 to remove the bone that had dripped into the soft flesh which was the size of a golf ball, and I had a toe bone trimmed down, a bit of cutting and grinding. About 8 days later I was up and walking unaided, and have had no problems since then. Hopefully things will stay that way!
If you would like any more information please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards
Suzanne Bentley