Name : Kevin A. Collevechio
Adult: 45 years old
Areas of body affected: both lower legs, arms, base of skull
State: Lansford, Pennsylvania
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Personal History
I first went to my family Dr. in 1993 for pain in my left leg. He then sent me for blood work and x-rays, and from there it went down hill. He said my leg looked like what an old man's would look like. He then referred me to an Orthopedic Dr. and he did more x-rays and blood work, brought a medical book in and said that this was what he thought I had. I didn't know what to say or think seeing as I never heard of the disease or anyone who had it. He said he wanted me go to Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, Pa. I went to see Dr. Parrish who was my Dr. through all of this. He is in charge of bone problems, tumors and a lot of other bone disorders. He did more x-rays, and bone scans. That's when he determined that the condition was in both my lower legs and arms and on the base of my skull.
The only place it bothered me was my lower left leg, shin bone. The pain was unbearable. This was the start of my treatments. He first tried to scrape and drill holes in my shin bone to try and release pressure. It stopped the pain for a little while then the bone grew back in a short while. He tried two surgeries, kind of the same way, but to no avail. It all grew back. I even went to see a blood specialist. They even tried the treatment of Aredia, that they give to people with bone cancer, that didn't even touch the pain. This past August it started in my right leg, I made an appt. in Hershey and he took more x-rays and it was there, and then my arms started bothering me with the same kind of pain, So I knew I had it in other places but it never bothered me until recently. I just recently experimented with Celebrex but that didn't work so I stopped taking it. He now suggested as of Oct. to go to Pain Management, to see if that will help me cope with the pain.
and Suggestions: I have exhausted I think all different ways and found